Friday, 26 October 2007

from very first point of contact, when you breath for the first time, when you open your eyes when you step into this world. when you cry for the first time, when smile makes its place. Do you ever wonder what makes you do it??
and when you are taking your last breadth, when your eyes are stuck and and the visibility is decreasing. No matter what you do, you feel you cannot make it any more.
you feel then you were sent to this place and been called back. you never wished for it did you but you stayed here, may secured your place among the top most! but now you have to go, you have to go back. back to where you belong to.
To where you just thought you will never return, never. but its the time
think before its time. we are the very first to see deep into the space and to manipulate the sub of an atom.
can we get our ID in this universe or the set of universe or set of what.... is beyond my limit .. at least at the moment.

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Earth History and Religion

Have u ever wondered when did the religion came into our life.

some say that, we are social animals. we share our experience with each other. The experience of older one's is passed to others and in generation these stories change into beliefs and religion
some say GOD directs us through his selected people and messengers. As a result we have couple of religious books available

some say it result of a regime called priests which unite together, mislead us, for their own interests.

or is the religion just a result of need... when we are really stuck and cant do any thing , when we are dependant than we have no other choice. it is when we end up with the options and just hope..

can you think there are millions and billions following views which they never ever learned about.

not all could be true at same time.